Thursday, November 10, 2022

Why RPM is Important for Grinding Mechanism and Types of Related Mechanisms

In any grinding machine, the RPM (Rotation Per Minute) also plays a great role in the functioning and its efficiency. Here in this post, you will get to know the importance of RPM and the types of grinding machines before you ever want to take any decision about your own grinding setup.

aatomize Masala Pulverizer Machine

Grinding Process

When selecting the right type of pulverizer from different types of mills you must consider which one will produce the best result. In case you are looking for a masala grinding machine better look out for our Masala Pulverizer Machine.

Grinding is an integral part of cooking, hence it is necessary to consider how various RPMs and influence the products and what texture type is best for which mechanism.

It’s therefore, necessary to consider the rapport and quality of the company you select to opt for as it makes a difference in getting the right product.

Why RPM is Important for Grinding Process

In any type of grinding mechanism - in flour or masala pulverizer, Motor RPM is of not much importance. But the RPM of the grinding section is quite important due to its massive impact on the process that is applied in grinding.

The process of acquiring a flat ground depends on the type of pulverizer you are using and how it functions. But usually, lower RPM brings larger chunks and inconsistent use, whereas higher RPMs lead to more evenly ground products with less heat transfer to the grinding product.

It’s time now to know about types of mechanisms and their RPM.

1. Natural Stone Pulverize RPM

In this type of pulverizer, if RPM is more than 400-450, it may break the stone, and the masala or flour will burn while the grinding process. But, when the RPM is less than 250, you cannot get a fine powder as the functioning is slow and ineffective.

The gist is the best RPM is driven by thickness, stone size, weight, and type - vertical or horizontal pulverizer. Best Pulverizer Machine

2. Hammer Mill

This is a single-chamber mechanism, if the RPM is lower than 1500, the production is not up to the mark. In addition, to get the fine product, the motor must be up to 2880 RPM.

Double Chamber – In such a type of pulverizer, you get the right results when RPM is less than 1800. To get better results you should have RPM around 2800 to 3800. It may be as per the blower system that is in place. Double Chamber Pulverizer Machine

3. Emery Stone Mill RPM

In such a mill, you cannot reach the fineness of the product if you use a machine where RPM is less than 300. Same way, if the pulverizer has more than 800 RPM, it will heat up the product while grinding.


When grinding masala or flour, make sure that your pulverizer is powerful enough to grind the produce you are using. For instance, when you want to grind hard spices, an electric grinder will make sure you get the right result rather than causing damage to the pulverizer you are going to use.

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